Supporting documents

The Supporting Documents tab houses all the documentation for the issue in one location. This includes checklists, designs, diagrams, insurance, meeting notes, permits, proposals, etc. By housing this in one tab, all involved with the issue can verify all necessary documentation is gathered from the parties involved.

You add supporting documents by clicking the Add icon on the issue’s Supporting Documents tab. You have the choice of adding a new supporting document or adding a document from InEight Document.

When you choose New supporting document, in the resulting Add supporting documents window, you can add the appropriate documents as needed by filling out the Title and Document type in the Add supporting document dialog box, then browsing to your document file and attaching it. When the document is added from InEight Document, and the document type in Document matches a document type in the cloud platform, that value shows as the default document type. You can edit the document type as needed.

When you add a supporting document type of Proposal and subtype From vendor, you can optionally select a contract from a list of all vendor contracts on the issue and then select from a list of all vendor change orders associated with the contract. This lets you specify the contract and vendor change order that is related to the supporting document and visibility to the contract associated with the proposal. The document is then visible in InEight Contract as read-only on the main Supporting document register and the contract's Supporting Document tab. If a VCO association to a contract is made, the supporting document also shows in the Contract or VCO supporting document page.

The action Contract takes depends on the action taken in Change:

  • When you add a pricing item without a VCO ID to the Vendor section of the pricing summary and then add a supporting document with type Proposal and subtype from vendor, a new field, Vendor Change order ID is shown in the New supporting document dialog box. If you click Add without adding the VCO ID, the document is added to the contract's Supporting documents page and the main Supporting documents page in Contract. See "Pricing" for information about adding pricing items.

  • When you create a new VCO from the pricing item, a vendor ID is associated to the pricing item. When you add a new supporting document Proposal from vendor, you can select the VCO ID. When you add the document, it is added to the VCO's Supporting documents page, the Contract's supporting documents page, and the main Supporting documents page in Contract.

  • When no contract ID is entered, Change sends the proposal to Contract. The document shows in the Contract main Supporting document register until you add a contract ID in Change.

The document is read-only in Contract because it came from Change. If the documents are updated in Change, the changes will show in the document in Contract. For example, if you change title, Contract updates the title. If you change the document type or subtype, Contract deletes the document.

You can upload a saved supporting document to Document from Change, so you do not have to load it in Document, and then link it back in Change.

Step by Step — Upload a document to Document

Upload a supporting document to Document when you want to take advantage of Document's organization and versioning features.

Only documents with the document source My computer can be uploaded.

Single-sign on is available for Change to Document features, such as creating mail or a form. When you use one of these features, the Document sign-on page opens, and you can enter your credentials. This creates a sign-on token that lets you remain signed in until the session ends. The first time you sign in to Document, a black secondary window and the Document Home window also open. You can close these windows. Single sign-on is activated, and they are not shown again.

  1. From the Supporting documents register, select a document with the document source My computer, and the click the Upload icon.

  2. If you are not already signed into InEight Document, use your credentials to sign in to InEight Document.

    A sign-in token is created that lets you remain signed in to Document until the session ends. If this is the first time you are signing in to Document from Change, a black secondary window and the Document Home window are shown. After you close these windows, single sign-on (SSO) to Document is activated, and they are not shown again.

    The Upload window in the Documents module of Document opens with the document you selected in Change already attached.

  3. If you want to add more documents, you can add them at this time.

  4. Click Save and Transmit. The document is now saved in the Document Documents module.

  5. Close the Document window. Change shows the Edit supporting document dialog box. The file link is replaced with the document link form Document.

  6. Click Save. The Supporting documents register refreshes with the file link to the Documents module. The Document source is replaced with InEight Document, and the External document type and status are now populated.

Show supporting documents in generated documents

A toggle on the Supporting documents register, Show in generated document, lets you indicate whether the document is shown in a collection table based on the collection table type. When you have a supporting document that you do not want to show in a collection table in a generated document, set the toggle to No. When a document is generated, only the documents that were set to Yes are shown.

A document that is available at more than one level, such as an issue-level document available on the issue, PCO, and CCO Supporting documents pages, can have a different setting at different levels. For example, you might set the toggle at the issue level to Yes to show in a generated document. You could set the toggle at the PCO level for the same document to No to not show in a PCO document. Change uses the setting that corresponds to the level of the collection table tags in the template. Using the previous example, Change shows the supporting document in a collection table as follows:

  • When you generate a document for an issue, the document is shown because the only collection table type in an issue document is an issue table.

  • When you generate a document for a PCO that has an issue-level collection table, the document is shown because it is part of an issue-level collection table.

  • When you generate a document for a PCO that has a PCO-level collection table, the document is not shown, because the document is suppressed at the PCO collection table level.